
Showing posts from May, 2015

Gathering Strength From Life Storms Part 002 - #LupusAwareness

Aloha!! Trust you are all keeping warm especially in the night when it’s way cold. Thank God for coffee.  Moving on, as I was talking to a doctor friend during my research on lupus, she mentioned that lupus and pregnancy are like water and paraffin. They never go hand in hand, and if they do there are likely some insurmountable odds. When Carol submitted her story to me, I had those long pauses between the paragraphs as I read. I couldn’t help but applaud her resilience, faith and audaciousness.   

Gathering Strength From Life Storms Part 001 - #LupusAwareness

I have learnt that courage is doing what you're afraid to do and there can be no courage unless you're scared. - Carol -   I  promised to do posts on #LupusAwareness on this month of May to pay respect to the unsung fallen soldiers and the silent brave warriors of this monster called Lupus. 

Link Glam Spotlight #002

The spotlight this month will highlight a blogger i came across in

Simply Profound!!!

Happy new month!! Being the month of five close to six, my post today will be simple and profound. I will use some of my favourite pictures and quotes that are so dear to me. In addition, with an honour to the Lupus Awareness month, i am working on awesome project that i will share soon. Before then, one  fact about lupus is that lupus is not contagious and cannot be “given” to another person.   “Yes: I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.” - Oscar Wilde