Taking stock...#001

Stocktaking is required so as to get an accurate count of stock in your business at a particular period of time. The stock is valued at cost value and is then used to generate margin and profit reports for the business. - See more at: http://www.stocktaking.ie/faq/#sthash.cLB4s970.dpuf
Stocktaking is required so as to get an accurate count of stock in your business at a particular period of time. The stock is valued at cost value and is then used to generate margin and profit reports for the business. - See more at: http://www.stocktaking.ie/faq/#sthash.cLB4s970.dpuf
Stocktaking is required so as to get an accurate count of stock in your business at a particular period of time. The stock is valued at cost value and is then used to generate margin and profit reports for the business. - See more at: http://www.stocktaking.ie/faq/#sthash.cLB4s970.dpuf
Stocktaking is required so as to get an accurate count of stock in your business at a particular period of time. The stock is valued at cost value and is then used to generate margin and profit reports for the business. - See more at: http://www.stocktaking.ie/faq/#sthash.cLB4s970.dpuf