The Anthem - Today I Am
I love living, its infectious. Its something that you can’t fake. I have a great time with my life and I want to share it.Will Smith
Happy New Month...whoop,whoop!! Been waiting on you August

Today my heart is wild,happy and all smiles. I woke up feeling like a horse.A white horse with the most awesome growing ponytail there has ever been. I was not just an ordinary horse. I was a lead chariot horse. I awaited my knight ready for battle.The way i saw it,we were destined for win in the battle.

Today i am a parrot.A pirate parrot.No, a good domesticated pirate parrot.A colourful parrot with green,yellow and shades of red on my feathers. I remember the song that sang on the stereo yesterday. Yes. He said that i was born for this and that i was a million dollar bill. My cage will open and i will prove him right. Today i was born for this,i am me,a million dollar bill,i am the most beautiful parrot.

Today i am a mirror.Yes,a mirror,the magic mirror.Wait, pause (II). Have you watched the scary movie,mirrors?Uh,you guy no!!Play (>), lets go on.Today i am a magic kind of a mirror.The best; that will give you the perfect reflection.The 'phat reflection'. The mirror that talks and tells you that you are beautiful.I am the mirror that loves you.
Today, the way i see it, holds great hope for tomorrow.It doesn't matter how yesterday was the future holds even greater and best promises.Today,energy will run through me like electricity.I will accomplish and conquer.Today, yes, today i am a dream chaser.One who believes in self. Today I am a HERO.
Who are you Today? Sharing is loving,adorable and caring....kindly share your comments in the comment box below darlings.
With lots of love and hugs from me
Thank you dear :)