While I Wait
- Patience is the companion of wisdom.
It all starts as a thought, to a dream then a leap of faith moment. One which not every one is willing to take the jump.But you got to agree that, that tough road of jumping, holding on and believing is less crowded and surely pays off heartily in the end, right?

Many of us battle with so much all in the name of a rush to be over and done with, but, infact what we tend to forget is that patience achieves more than our force. The way i see it, what you offer internally is what the world offers back.Franz Kafka once said that there are two cardinal sins from which all others spring : Impatience and laziness.
While i wait...all bubbly and merry,
A step that destiny HE knows too,
A soft sacred sweet sweep,
Of a pure love breeze,
Crystal clear like the ruby stone,
My obsession possession,
His heart of pure art,
My ruby rock, he alone i will rock,
Dreams are far too real not to act,
He, my jump, my faith, the destiny,
While i wait...i fret not,
Sleep an option i'm not willing to take,
A price i await at wake,
While i wait...fully owl eyed.
Moving on....

While i wait. I will continue to write. To dream. To act. To believe. That oblivion is what i perceive and that i alone have the power. To chase a dream and catch it patiently or to bolt so i can clumsily relax.
Perfection is in the beauty of waiting, acting and believing ....
Waiting to hear from you
Gowns by Becksville Trends.
Models courtesy of Plus Fabulosity.
Thank you to The Bow Tie Events for including plus size models on the runway Valentine Edition Bow Tie Event.
Amazing Piece hun :)
Thank you Enid!!!