Taking Stock III
Time really flies so fast!!We are taking our third stock take already.If you missed the last two stock takes,find them here and here.Lets do this my awesome lovely darlings

Making :Timetables for everything.Is it just me or do you feel the same,the days are shorter than the night. I feel like i am on a hamster wheel during the day and on a train at night.#weird i know.
Cooking : Pumpkin for breakfast often.Yes,it is so darn healthy darlings, try it out.
Drinking : lots of water and more water.
Reading: Fault in our stars by John Green.I haven't started reading yet but will do,soon...i hope.
Wanting: a getaway so bad plus some nice black gold kind studded unisex sport shoes i saw in the shops on display.You guys,the shoes and the getaway equals a happy me.
Playing: Any thing by Melissa McCarthy just because she is the most funny person i know so far.
Wasting: The extra cans of spray i have accumulated again smh!! Haaahaa, uhh obsession alert!!
Sewing: Nope,not me!nothing....wait, fixing a button on his shirt counts as sewing right?
Wishing: that i could have the whole series of the Real by Loni Love already,she is really something

Enjoying: the priceless smile of Little Ruby.What more would a mother ask for?
Liking: The promotion of African designs by one Diana Opoti. We should all support local designs since they are authentic and unique.
Wondering: how i will get those lessons to make the mats from my friend Joy.Looks so darn easy can't wait,the end result makes you fall head over heels.
Loving:Melissa McCarthy once more.Minus the fact that she is funny she is PHAT and confident in her own skin,and there is nothing as amazing as a woman who is unapologetic about herself.
Hoping: I get everything done in time and accurately.
Marveling: at this.
Needing: my cup of hot chocolate before i go to bed,this cold ain't loyal.
Smelling: the sweet smell of ginger tea.
Wearing: more dresses than pants.
Following: the Plus Fabulosity Team...one word,Fabulous!!
Noticing: that the jogs have done me good.I even fit a dress for the runway,dreams are valid always.
Knowing: all that each and every one of us is a life full of laughter.All there has to be is positivity all through.
Thinking: i need to spend less time waking up.I have a waking up problem sorta.
Bookmarking: this. Baby steps all the way muffins.
Opening: up to the idea that life is what you make it to be.Garbage in garbage out.
Giggling: at this.
Looking: for dexter

Kindly share your stock take with me,lets get to know each other better.
Lotsa love and hugs
I really enjoyed reading this post! lovely list!:) I'm obsessed with ginger tea and hot chocolate too:D
Thank you Petra dear,the sweet aromatic smells are just so addictive and irresistible.